Star Wars: Medstar I: Battle Surgeons Audiobook Review (Spoiler-Free)

Star Wars_ The Clone Wars_ Medstar I Battle Surgeons.jpg

This book was kind of a mess. I’m gonna keep this review short because I feel like that while I have a lot of important things to say about this book, I don’t think I’ll need a whole lot of words to convey my feelings about it.

The characters were done well. I mean, they have more motivations and character development then you would expect them to have. The writing is also done somewhat well, I never felt confused, and I felt like I knew what was going on and emotions were conveyed in a somewhat coherent and powerful sense. Jonathan Davis, the narrator of the audiobook, also did a great job of narrating the audiobook. With these parts in mind, the book was just entertaining enough for me to finish it. But if that’s true, why did I say it was a mess? Well here’s why:

This book is the definition of directionless. Seriously even after finishing the audiobook, I practically had no idea what the story was about. Even if I account for the fact that the audiobook was abridged, I didn’t find any evidence that anything crucial to the plot, or lack there of, was removed. In fact, this book feels more like a series of situations masquerading as a plot is supposed to there being a coherent and well done narrative.

The other problem was Barris Offee. You would think that if I put a character on the front cover they would be somewhere integral to the plot right? Well you be wrong in this case! She has like 5 to 10 minutes of screen time in a three hour audiobook and ironically she is the least interesting character out of all of the ones in the book! If I removed her from the book, practically nothing would change. That is hilarious. I could’ve replace this character with a literally anybody and absolutely nothing would’ve happened.

Final verdict:

I think the book was OK. It has a decent amount of interesting characters, good writing, and a decent narrator to make the book at least viably entertaining. But if you’re looking for a book that has a coherent story that’s going to give you emotional thrills, then you’re you’re looking in the wrong place. I give this book 3.11/5 stars – an enjoyable but forgettable and directionless Star Wars story.